Sunday, September 26, 2010

CRaZy Prom SToRieS

The are something about Prom night that brings out wild prom stories.. Here, i wolud to share of experience toward the stories.

I have attending a prom night occasion when I was in high school. In my school there is one famous girl and a pretty girl wearing a very nice pink dress. When she enter up the hall with an elegence attitude, she attracting all the students including the teacher to look at her. the erogan person walk into a hall with a long dress and cute hair style make her look addorable. Then, an hours later the ceromony begin.

In addition, a funny stories begin when all the girls with her partner having a slow or romantic dance at the dance floor. While the student being excited dance follow with the flow of the rhythm, there is one girl has stepped the pinky girl's dress  and the dress has snap suddenly. Then this two girls keep fighting between each other until the prom night become messy and miserable. All the boy students keep loughing to these two girls and the famous girl run out of the hall because the situation has embarrased her.